I am Slovenia based photographer. I found myself lucky because of the land i live in. There is such a variety of things to photograph arround. It is hard to overlook landscape in changing fall colours, the early summer mornings packed with freshness and morning dew on the meadows. When everything is still asleep. The first sunrays start to penetrate patches of mist near the quiet flowing alpine river ! But there is something more i love about early mornings. There is nothing as touching as sunrise in the mountains. When everything is aligned. Clouds in the east have a small running opening near the horizon. I know even before sun gets up, this is it ! The colors which follow this »grand opening« are nothing you have seen before. The warmth of early rays shines on the surrounding mountains and everything looks like in fairytale. This is such a powerful experience which touches me in profound way and i want to share this feeling throuh the photographs with you. Let the photographs speak for themselves.


Sem fotograf iz Slovenije. Lahko rečem da sem vesel ker živim v tako pestri pokrajini kot jo moja domovina premore. Težko se je upreti lepotam ki so nam dane in so blizu nas. Le odpraviti se je treba in odpreti oči. Naj si gre za spreminjajoče se jesenske barve, za poletna jutra ki kipijo od svežine in ko so travniki odeti v jutranjo roso. Ko vse še spi… Prvi žarki predrejo meglice blizu tihe alpske reke ! Še posebno pa se me dotaknejo in se mi vtisnejo v spomin sončni vzhodi v hribih, gorah. Ko je vse tako kot mora biti. V oblakih ki prekrivajo nebo je na V nebu majhna vrzel. Takrat vem da je to to ! Barve ki sledijo temu padlemu zastoru na nebu so tako intenzivne kot jih še nisi videl. Toplota jutranjih žarkov sije na okoliške gore in vse izgleda kot v pravljici. Ta trenutek in izkušnja je tako močna da se me dotakne na globji ravni in jo želim deliti z vami skozi moje fotografije. Naj fotografski utrinki spregovorijo sami zase.


  • Maj, 2015