Zimska idila mesečeve noči

Prvi obilen sneg letošnje zimske sezone je zapadel na Veliki planini. Mesečeva svetloba se širi preko obsežnih pašnih površin in lesenih hišk, ki so raztresene po planini. Skozi delno zastrto nebo sijejo svetle zvezde rane noči. Mir je tam zgoraj, tak ki ga lahko “slišiš” le takrat ko snežna odeja prekrije pokrajino…

First abundant snowfall of the winter season 2015-16 has come to Velika planina. The moonlight spreads over the vast pastures and wooden cottages. Through the openings in the clouds bright stars shine in this early evening. There is this peace up there, that you can only "hear" when the snow covers the landscape...

First abundant snowfall of the winter season 2015-16 has come to Velika planina. The moonlight spreads over the vast pastures and wooden cottages. Through the openings in the clouds bright stars shine in this early evening. There is this peace up there, that you can only “hear” when the snow covers the landscape…

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