Nasproti Triglava

Jesen in začetek zime v letu 2015 so najbolj zaznamovale visoke temperature in pomanjkanje padavin. Vse to se zelo dobro odraža tudi v visokogorju Julijskih Alp. Do sedaj se še ni zgodilo da bi na božični dan na Kredarici ostali brez snega ! Pričujoče slike so več kot zgovorne kakšna je bila jesen in začetek zime v letu 2015 !

Unusual warm autumn and also start of winter season with very little precipitation has caused that the even upper parts of Julian Alps have very little or even no snow coverage !

Unusual warm autumn and also start of winter season with very little precipitation has caused that the even upper parts of Julian Alps have very little or even no snow coverage !

Okolica koče Planika izgleda kot da je fotografirana enkrat septembra…

There is no snow on the ground arround Planika hut. In the history of recording snow, the nearby Kredarica meteorological station has never had no snow on the ground on christmas day ! December 2015

There is no snow on the ground arround Planika hut. In the history of recording snow, the nearby Kredarica meteorological station has never had no snow on the ground on christmas day ! December 2015

Planinske kavke uživajo v jesenskih temperaturah koncem decembra.

Alpine chough

Alpine chough enjoying autumn temperatures at the end of december 2015

Tik pred pristankom na roki. Brusnice jim gredo odlično v tek !

 Feeding Alpine Chough from the palm.

Feeding Alpine Chough from the palm.

Prisojna lega gora je povsem kopna vse v visokogorje !

Sunny side of the mountains has no snow at all !

Sunny side of the mountains has no snow at all !

Pogled s Tosca proti Pokljuški planoti. V daljavi se lahko vidijo najvišji vrhovi Kamniško Savinjskih Alp.

View from mount Tosc towards Pokljuka plateau.In the Distance there can be seen the highest peaks of Kamniško Savinjske Alpe.

View from mount Tosc towards Pokljuka plateau. In the Distance there can be seen the highest peaks of Kamniško Savinjske Alpe.

Poziranje pred Triglavom.

Alpine chough posing in front of Mount Triglav.

Alpine chough posing in front of Mount Triglav.

Sonce se počasi poslavlja.

Setting Sun low on the horizon.

Setting Sun low on the horizon.

Večerno Sonce zahaja za Krnom.

Sun is setting behind the Mount Krn on december evening in the Julian Alps.

Sun is setting behind the Mount Krn on december evening in the Julian Alps.

Barvit večer.

Colourful evening,

Colourful evening.

Zadnji sončni žarki sijejo na Triglav.

Last sun rays are shining on Mount Triglav.

Last sun rays are shining on Mount Triglav.

Počasi so se na nebu pokazale tudi zvezde… Za njimi pa je vzšla luna…

Moon has just started to rise, her weak light highlights the walls of Mount Triglav.

Moon has just started to rise, her weak light highlights the walls of Mount Triglav.

Luna je sedaj višje nad obzorjem. Še vedno pa se zvezde in mlečna cesta zelo dobro vidijo. Zrak je bil tega dne resnično suh.

The moon is now higher above the horizon, but the stars and the milky way are still clearly visible. The air was really dry this day.

The moon is now higher above the horizon, but the stars and the milky way are still clearly visible. The air was really dry this day.

Moč lune je vedno večja, pokrajina je vedno bolj osvetljena. Šibkejše zvezde se ne vidijo več.

Mount Triglav illuminated by moonlight as seen on late december evening from mount Tosc.

Mount Triglav illuminated by moonlight as seen on late december evening from mount Tosc.

Krajina Julijskih Alp je pošteno rasvetljena, čas je za odhod v dolino. Na poti proti dolini srečam še snežno belega zajca.

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