Modrina neba

Lep pogled na Martuljško skupino z ostenji večinoma v senci.  V ospredju na toplih pašnikih se pase čreda ovac.

A herd of Sheep on the sunny meadow in front of Martujška skupina which belongs to Julian Alps.

A herd of Sheep on the sunny meadow in front of Martuljška skupina which belongs to Julian Alps.

Te koze se verjetno ne zavedajo v kako idiličnem okolju so doma ! V ozadju lepo izstopa prepoznavna silhueta Špika.

Goat and kid eat some grass on the sunny meadow. Back in the distance the Špik peak nicely stands out with its shape.

Goat and kid eat some grass on the sunny meadow. Back in the distance the Špik peak nicely stands out with its shape.

Še en utrinek iz pašniškega življenja. Tokrat v protisvetlobi, ki lepo poudari njihovo silhueto.

Some goats grazing grass. Direct sunlight emphasizes their shape.

Some goats grazing grass. Direct sunlight emphasizes their shape.

Ne daleč stran se odpira lep pogled na verigo Julijcev. Del kozolca se lepo vklaplja v krajino.

Upper Sava valley scene.

Upper Sava valley scene.

V Zgornjesavski dolini jesen že počasi trka na vrata. Nizko sonce nad obzorjem meče svojo toplo luč na pokrajino. Dan se počasi preveša.

Trees in the upper Sava valley are slowly starting to turn red. Autumn is slowly progressing in

Trees in the Upper Sava valley are slowly starting to turn red. Autumn is slowly progressing in.

Za konec pa še pogled v dolino v času tako imenovane modre ure. Z osvetljenimi ulicami in luno, katera kraljuje nad Julijskimi Alpami.

The city lights down in the Upper Sava valley illuminate streets in Kranjska Gora area. The moon is high up over the Julian Alps mountains. The walls of the highest peaks are still illuminated by the weak western skylight and moonlight.

The city lights down in the Upper Sava valley illuminate streets in Kranjska Gora area. The moon is high up over the Julian Alps mountains. The walls of the highest peaks are still illuminated by the weak western skylight and moonlight.

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