V objemu gora ob polni luni

Polna luna je ravno vzšla nad gorami v Sloveniji. Lunini žarki mečejo svojo luč na dolino tam spodaj. Sledi avtomobilov nakazujejo oblikovanost doline in se izgubljajo v daljavi ko le ta zavije proti severu. Spokojnost se širi nad pokrajino…

Full moon has just risen over the mountains in Slovenia. Moon rays are shining on the valley flor down there. Car trails folow the shape of the valley, disappearing in the distance as the valley turns toward north. The tranquility spreads over the landscape...

Full moon has just risen over the mountains in Slovenia. Moon rays are shining on the valley flor down there. Car trails folow the shape of the valley, disappearing in the distance as the valley turns toward north. The tranquility spreads over the landscape…

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